Marsters Racing supports Rosetta@home (R@h) using the Berkley Open
Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) software. Whenever our computers
are not otherwise being used, they are crunching for R@h
From the Rosetta@home page:
Rosetta@home needs your help to determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins
in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human
diseases. By running the Rosetta program on your computer while you don't
need it you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we couldn't
possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping our efforts at
designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Cancer, and
Rosetta@home is not for profit.
BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards
SCI-0221529, SCI-0438443, SCI-0506411, PHY/0555655, and OCI-0721124.
- Scientists: use BOINC to create a volunteer computing project giving you
the computing power of thousands of CPUs.
- Universities: use BOINC to create a Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center.
- Companies: use BOINC for desktop Grid computing.